Why Choose Local Flooring Experts?
Why choose a local flooring store, like Carpet Wagon, instead of the nearest big chain store? Besides just generally sticking it to the man, there are actually a number of
The Science Of Water Damage
Before you choose hardwood for your next flooring installation, there is one important thing you need to consider. While hardwood floors are generally considered one of the most attractive, luxurious
Purchasing Safe Carpeting
The majority of homes in America have wall to wall carpeting, and why not? It is comfortable and easy to maintain. Unfortunately, not all carpeting is produced with the health
Which Flooring Options Are Quietest?
One important consideration to make when choosing flooring for a new home or for a remodeling project that often goes overlooked is just how noisy the floor is going to
Getting To Know Your Woods
For ages, people have enjoyed the beauty and longevity of hardwood flooring. A well maintained hardwood floor can last for generations. But where did it all begin? Every plank on
True Hardwood v. Laminate Flooring
Frequently you will walk into someone’s new home and they will expect you to marvel at the beauty of their hardwood flooring. More often than not, they are misleading you;