The Science Of Water Damage
Before you choose hardwood for your next flooring installation, there is one important thing you need to consider. While hardwood floors are generally considered one of the most attractive, luxurious flooring options. For all its classical appeal however, it has a major weakness: it is easily warped or damaged by moisture. Wood flooring is a […]
Purchasing Safe Carpeting
The majority of homes in America have wall to wall carpeting, and why not? It is comfortable and easy to maintain. Unfortunately, not all carpeting is produced with the health and safety of the consumer in mind. Whether your carpeting is new or old you may be exposing yourself and your family to a number […]
Environmentally Friendly Flooring Choices
While hardwood floors are some of the most beautiful types of flooring available, they are also not necessarily very environmentally friendly. Many of the most desirable woods used for flooring are harvested from endangered forests, and the logging companies who harvest them may not necessarily be using green business practices or replacing the trees after […]
Varieties of Hardwood Floors
Hardwood floors are elegant, attractive and unique. These strips of hardwood flooring are widely used in many domestic and commercial establishments such as homes, hotels, offices, business houses and more. The hardwoods are not only impressive to look at, but also with its low profile, it adds beauty and class to the places where they […]
What would you like to learn?
As the “CEO” of your house, we know you have a lot of things to manage. We envision “Beyond the Welcome Mat” as a growing resource space for you. We want to be a space to encourage learning smart tips about your house, a place where you can kick around new ideas about the family, […]